If you buy any of these items, please come back to this list and click the "Reserve" link to mark which item(s) you purchased. This will help ensure that jolinger does not get duplicate gifts.
Travel Advice!
I've never traveled, let alone moved abroad, so any advice is appreciated! What to pack, life in Scotland, UK Universities...I want to hear it all!
Air Miles
If you, or anyone you know, uses IcelandAir or has a Diners Club card, points can be donated to my flights to and from the States! Anything is appreciated.
Watercolor notebooks
In order to create my travelogue comic, I will need plenty of notebooks! Preferably any sketchbook that is hard bound and has 90lb (or heavier) paper weight. These are ideal for travel, and the watercolor paper is best for the ink and paint I use!
Power Converters
An essential item! Some travel blogs advise that you purchase converters at your destination, but before I arrive in Scotland I will be in Iceland for a few days, in which converters are necessary pre-flight!
Polaroid Film!
With Scotland's rich history, numerous historical sites, and my own course work I'll need a few packs of film to document the adventure!
Polaroid instant + digital camera!
For part 1 of my dissertation, a travelogue comic, a Polaroid that is capable of both film and digital would be beneficial to add content to the pages! Help me document my journey!