
Notes [please read first]:

2022 Update: THIS SITE IS NOT UPDATED ANYMORE. Check out my Amazon Wishlist instead: https://smile.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/M5T6NMBXURBQ/

My wish list is NOT ordered in terms of priorities, I want them all equally (unless it says "priority: low"). I even helped you out a bit, go to <a href="http://www.wishlistr.com/AceArtemis7/priority">tag: priority</a> for the "high" priority. This is the stuff I'm trying to get right now.

Please refresh every 12 hours. I take off items that I have recently bought. So this list is always updated. And it would help if I don't get duplicate items. To help you out, i made a blog: <a href="http://aceartemis7wishlist.wordpress.com">http://aceartemis7wishlist.wordpress.com</a> It tells you what I recently deleted/added.

I dont mind paperback versions, in fact I prefer it since its cheaper (and better for your wallet)...However, if it says specifically, get the paperback, it Means: get the paperback version, unless you ALREADY bought it as a hardcover. I also DO NOT mind the used version, as long as its in good quality or better. In fact, I would have gotten it used if i can help it...<a href="http://www.half.ebay.com/">Ebay's Half</a>, Amazon's Used Books, as well as Half Price Books are all good stores/websites to buy stuff on.

If there is a note on the item, please get it in order, especially if its a series. Ex. Don't get Book #8 if Book #2 is still on the list...though I don't mind it much, I would prefer to get it in order. BTW, sometimes a book might be missing, thats because I already have it! So dont buy a book when its not listed, because chances are, I already have it.

If you're utterfly confused, Maybe a Half Price Books, Amazon, Visa, or Borders giftcard would be better?

<a href="https://www.amazon.com/gp/registry/wishlist/2QZM3IOR0QZ55/">Amazon.com Wish List</a> (Its the SAME as this list, just has pictures)

Now that you've read all these notes, feel free to click "View Wishlist" at the top :)


PS - In order of Preference [make sure you take note of this!]; I rather get books, rather than CDs, DVDs, Games, etc...but its okay if you want to spend alot on me, but I dont deserve it...

PPS - I know it seems alot (my wish list) but that's because I've been denied stuff I wanted for so long...so the list just gets longer and longer.

PPPS - In case you're curious, my birthday is: exactly a Week Before Valentine's Day.

Wishlist Stats

  • receipt_long
    148 Items
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    105 Links
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    1456 Clicks

Last item added February 10, 2022.