Battlestar Galactica - Season 2.0 on DVD
Star Wars original trilogy on DVD
Battlestar Galactica - Season 2.5 on DVD
picture frames
I have lots of pictures and not enough frames!
Books-A-Million gift card
plastic hangers
We're always running out of these. They're like 99 cents at Wal-Mart or something! :)
Walmart gift cards
Fischer Price Roll-A-Rounds
toy cars
Zeke LOVES little cars!
Double A Batteries
We need these for EVERYTHING in our house! haha
Any kind (other than Pampers), size 4
baby socks
Zeke's feet are growing fast. He wears a size 4 in shoes - I'm not sure what sock sizes go by.
Any books by Mary Higgins Clark
Dress socks
He (Daniel) usually only needs them in tan/khaki and black.
a toy box
We could use a nice box to store all of Zeke's toys in. Well, maybe not ALL of them. haha
boring white ankle socks
We can never have enough socks! The dryer eats them!