Start a family
Get married, have atleast 2 children, and a dog
Travel to all different places around the world
Ireland, Tahiti, All 7 islands of Hawaii, Cabo, Italy, France, New York, Bahamas, Africa, Egypt, Fiji, Greece, New Zeland, Japan, etc.
Get some tattoos
Fleur-De-Lis symbol on my foot, triquetra symbol on my back, etc. The triquetra symbol comes from my irish heritage and stands for our father, son, and holy spirit like a 3 in 1 kind of thing so, 3 people in my family together as 1.
Have a wonderful job
RN, Pediatric RN, First grade teacher, Anthesioligist...
Attend a major sporting event
Olympics, Superbowl, World Series, etc.
Go Scubadiving
dive with a whale shark! swim with dolphins, fish, etc. or off the great barrier reef in Australia
Take a train ride somewhere
ride in a train from arizona to like california or somewhere
Go rafting
like white water river rafting in the Grand Canyon
Walk down the Great Wall of China
Go visit the 7 wondes of the world
theres more than seven (obviously), but I MUST visit all the locations of the wonders and natural wonders
Set foot in all 7 continents
Go skydiving
edge of space supersonic jet ride
a trip to the edge of space in a British Jet Fighter called the Lightning? Just think about it for a minute. Imagine flying 60,000 feet high over the earth at a speed of 50 thousand feet per minute and seeing the curvature of the earth
Submarine ride to the Titanic
For a mere $35,000 you could be one of the chosen few to see first hand probably the world's most famous shipwreck. Traveling down to 3800 meters to the ocean's bottom floor
Spend the night in a Haunted Hotel
Donate blood
break a world record
save a life or many lives
find a four leaf clover
save it, dry it out, frame it :)
have grandchildren