• Start a family

    Get married, have atleast 2 children, and a dog

  • Travel to all different places around the world

    Ireland, Tahiti, All 7 islands of Hawaii, Cabo, Italy, France, New York, Bahamas, Africa, Egypt, Fiji, Greece, New Zeland, Japan, etc.

  • Get some tattoos

    Fleur-De-Lis symbol on my foot, triquetra symbol on my back, etc. The triquetra symbol comes from my irish heritage and stands for our father, son, and holy spirit like a 3 in 1 kind of thing so, 3 people in my family together as 1.

  • Have a wonderful job

    RN, Pediatric RN, First grade teacher, Anthesioligist...

  • Attend a major sporting event

    Olympics, Superbowl, World Series, etc.

  • Go Scubadiving

    dive with a whale shark! swim with dolphins, fish, etc. or off the great barrier reef in Australia

  • Take a train ride somewhere

    ride in a train from arizona to like california or somewhere

  • Go rafting

    like white water river rafting in the Grand Canyon

  • Walk down the Great Wall of China

  • Go visit the 7 wondes of the world

    theres more than seven (obviously), but I MUST visit all the locations of the wonders and natural wonders

  • Set foot in all 7 continents

  • Go skydiving

  • edge of space supersonic jet ride

    a trip to the edge of space in a British Jet Fighter called the Lightning? Just think about it for a minute. Imagine flying 60,000 feet high over the earth at a speed of 50 thousand feet per minute and seeing the curvature of the earth

  • Submarine ride to the Titanic

    For a mere $35,000 you could be one of the chosen few to see first hand probably the world's most famous shipwreck. Traveling down to 3800 meters to the ocean's bottom floor

  • Spend the night in a Haunted Hotel

  • Donate blood

  • break a world record

  • save a life or many lives

  • find a four leaf clover

    save it, dry it out, frame it :)

  • have grandchildren