binggrae strawberry milk
binggrae samanco fish ice cream
any flavor but red bean
white trashcan with lid
small one for my bathroom
NYX professional makeup lift n snatch brow tint pen
$12ish shade ash brown
any good quality sweaters or quarter-zip
neutral colors or navy
TNTT uniform skirt
size 8
fitted black/navy cardigan
Jewelry (earrings & necklaces)
that won’t rust easily but also isn’t too expensive where I’d cry if I lost it
a weighted blanket!
fuji polaroid film
nothing tops this tbh
handwritten cards!
or anything handmade in general. i will cherish it forever <3
unless its just THAT CUTE bc i have no room left ;-;
preferably real ones!
hair accessories
(preferably white) bows, mini claw clips, plain headband