If you buy any of these items, please come back to this list and click the "Reserve" link to mark which item(s) you purchased. This will help ensure that Avery Longfellow does not get duplicate gifts.
I like getting things I've never heard of -- feel free to purchase off list.
although the things on my list are pretty cool :) *the things on my list are in no particular order*
Favorite color: pink
For clothes I also like brown, white, and a neutral blue
Clothes: 2, or Woman's small/medium Shoes: women size 8-9
I love Frank Ocean and SZA. I also enjoy anything floral or cute and girly.
hair stuff
i like cool hair things - i have long(ish) thick hair
I like jewelry, especially hoops and necklaces. i prefer gold.
favourite brands
brands that i adoooore are hollister, evry jewels, brandy melville, and bath and body works.
Personal book club!
Get me a book you like or want to read, and we'll read it together!
you've made it to the end! congratulations :)