If you buy any of these items, please come back to this list and click the "Reserve" link to mark which item(s) you purchased. This will help ensure that Benjamin Jackson does not get duplicate gifts.
Money towards
Sounds/computer storage for composing with or a new vacuum cleaner or TV screen, or of course a clarinet or an accordion (of course)
Ebooks/Amazon Vouchers
This is probs the main thing: Once you select a book there's a 'buying for others' option at the side - to buy it for me, send it to benjaminj1996@gmail.com - you can also set a date for it to be sent
For Ikea, Dunelm, Waterstones or (National Book vouchers), Theatre Tokens, Amazon, cinema, Hollister, Fatface (not One4All please)
Anything you can think of to do with mindfulness/meditation/relaxation
Scented candles always appreciated
My faves are below but any will be lovely