A ceramic Hair-straitner Of my Choice
Visa Giftcard
Sasha Cupons
Example: Please go Away Coupon...etc.
Ticket to Chicago
Ticket for more than 2 days to see my friends in Chicago!
A bunch of cute belts!
Like my pink one!!!
A Shopping Spree
I'm trying my luck on this one :)
Spa Day
Bath & Body Works Spree!
Like a shopping spree but at Bath & Body Works
A Keep calm and cary on Poster!!!
Fashionable clothes!
anything cupcakes
Mega Hershey's Bar
If you get me this, i will love you forever
Candy Basket full of my favorite candy
Nail polish set
All different colors!
I Design My bedroom!
Horse riding lessons
Trip to MnM World
Trip To Hershey World
A profesional Camera!
Ya right...