Posted August 23, 2006 in Updates
We have just made a small update to the site that gives you the ability to add items from your bookmarks to your Wishlistr wishlist. To import items from, just head over to the tools section, click the import link and select as the source for your import. Have fun!
Posted August 3, 2006 in Updates
I little later than expected (sorry about that), but we’ve finally managed to put the finishing touches to our latest tool — the linkroll generator. What’s a linkroll you ask? Well, basically a linkroll is a list of links — in this case a list with links to items on your Wishlistr wishlist — that you can display on your website or blog.
The linkroll generator is easy to use. You just decide how many of your wishlist items to display, how to sort them and if the additional info should be shown or not. When you’re done we’ll give you a snippet of JavaScript code, which generates the list. Just add the snippet to your site’s code and you’re good to go. The list will automatically update as soon as you make any changes to your wishlist on Wishlistr.
Head over to the tools section and give it a try!
Posted August 1, 2006 in News
Wishlistr was down today between 08.00 – 12.00 GMT. An unfortunate incident at our hosting provider meant that the server that hosts Wishlistr (and a bunch of other websites) went down. The problem has now been fixed and everything is back to normal.
We appologice for the inconvenience and we’re doing everything we can to make sure it never happens again.