All posts in News:

100 000 wishes

Posted June 18, 2007 in News

Yesterday, Sunday, we reached the milestone of 100 000 wishes on Wishlistr. Hundreds of thousands of wishes added in just over a year is fantastic, and we hope that at least some of them have been (or will be) fulfilled!

Don't forget Valentine's Day

Posted January 31, 2007 in News

Saint Valentine’s Day is on Wednesday February 14 – a great day to show some extra appreciation to your partner, your family or your dear friends. We’ve searched the net for a few Valentine Day gifts and collected them on our gift idea section for you. Enjoy!


Posted August 1, 2006 in News

Wishlistr was down today between 08.00 – 12.00 GMT. An unfortunate incident at our hosting provider meant that the server that hosts Wishlistr (and a bunch of other websites) went down. The problem has now been fixed and everything is back to normal.

We appologice for the inconvenience and we’re doing everything we can to make sure it never happens again.

We'll remember you

Posted June 14, 2006 in News

We have rolled out a new little feature which makes life a bit easier for all of you that visit Wishlistr often. It’s a Remember me function, which can be activated when you pass through the login page.

The Remember me function means that you don’t need to login with your username and password each time you visit – we will remember you. You can read more about how it works on our help pages.

On the Horizon

Posted May 16, 2006 in News

It’s now been a little more than two weeks since the launch of Wishlistr and the reception has been great so far. More than a thousand users has already signed up and close to 10 000 items has been added to the various wishlists. Needless to say, we’re thrilled.

We’ve received a lot of positive feedback (thank you all!), but also quite a few suggestions and requests — many for features we’re actually already working on. So we thought it might be a good idea to tell you a bit about our plans for the future.

One of the new features we’re working on is a linkroll generator, which will give you all the code you need to add a linkroll, with the latest items from your wishlist, to your website or blog.

A few of you have also been asking for a way to have more than one wishlist on the same user account. While we’re not not quite planing on introducing multiple wishlists — we feel that this will make things unnecessary complex, and above all we want to keep Wishlistr simple and easy to use — we are in fact working on a solution that will let you split your wishlist up in to categories and in effect give you the power to set up several different wishlists. Our solution involves something that is very popular among web apps these days — tags.

But more on this later. For now, look forward to the linkroll generator which will be added to the tools section in the next few weeks.

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