Air Freshener
The rooms don't smell bad, but they could smell good. A handful of car vent air fresheners for the AC/Heater units, oor the stationary kind for the rooms or lockers would help. As long as they're complimentary.
Gift Cards
We have a PX, Subway, Burger King, Anthony's Pizza, and Taco Bell on post. I have Steam, Google, and Nintendo systems. Other guys have X-Box or PS4.
Vitamins & Supplements
The food is decent, but the quality and variety aren't great. Multivitamins are appreciated (look for high zinc content, to ward off colds), as are dietary supplements I can add to my shaker bottle: Protein, collagen, liquid or powdered lecitin, etc.
Fruit Leather
Coffee Grounds
I acquired a coffee maker! I just need grounds. And filters. And maybe a coffe mug.
Please don't send the type of high-quality craftsmanship books I normally collect, as I don't have much room to carry them back. Paperbacks are preferred.
I prefer roll-on deodorant, which has limited availability here.
Digital Media
DVDs and CDs take up a lot of space, and when we redeploy they'll usually be thrown away. I'lll donate rather than scrap them, but it's usually better to send digital copies of movies or music on USB, hard drive, or CD-R.
Homemade Cookies
You can never go wrong with homemade cookies. Just make sure they're going to survive the trip, which may be long.
I inhereted a TV with a built-in DVD player, but don't have a BLU-Ray player. If you have ole ones laying around you intend to toss or donate, send them my way and I'll donate them to MWR when we redeploy.
Razor Blades
The blades I use, like the one in the picture, aren't available at the local PX.
It's dry in Kosovo this time of the year, which is hard on the skin.
It's chilly and dry here, so I'm using chapstick every day to keep my lips from cracking.