If you buy any of these items, please come back to this list and click the "Reserve" link to mark which item(s) you purchased. This will help ensure that CF does not get duplicate gifts.
Howl's Earrings
Steam Games
This is kept pretty thoroughly up-to-date and I reorder the list when I add something new. Wishlist is set to public so anyone can view it.
Writing Set Floral Paper / Letter Paper / Recycled and Eco | Etsy
No personalization needed! Just the paper~
Butterscotch Creme Sugar
2024 - Not needed atm. 1.5 oz pls, this is solely for adding to my Spiced Ruby Cider tea!
Spiced Ruby Cider Herbal Tea
2024 - Not needed atm. The Spice and Tea Exchange | 4 oz bag if you please! Or more if you'd like--to be honest I don't mind either way~!
Amazon Kindle Book List
Reading wishlist! I have so many books I would like to read so I must simply resort to digital lest I never have room in my house. When you choose "buy for others" the email to send it to is christinafernandez324@gmail.com