If you buy any of these items, please come back to this list and click the "Reserve" link to mark which item(s) you purchased. This will help ensure that David does not get duplicate gifts.
Model kit: Dark Reapers
Sophisticated heavy weapons unit to keep the enemy’s heads down with punishing firepower. The newer plastic ones cost quite a bit but I’m very happy with a used or older unit from ebay which are usually way cheaper.
Reserved on Mar 03, 2025 by H
Model Kit: Aeldari Autarch (not the winged Autarch kit)
A seasoned commander for my army. Small but vital and the model is highly customisable. RRP £26 but retailers like Bomran Games or Element Games will sell at 10%-15% discount.
Model kit: Phoenix Lord Lhykhis
A tiny but mighty hero with an incredible model to boot. About £24 from the discount retailer linked and slightly more (but without postage if you’re local) from Bomran Games.
Kindle book -from my kindle wishlist
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Model Kit: "Avatar of Khaine"
Big impressive monster (about 6” high) to smash up opposing armies and look cool doing it. He's about £58 new from Element Games and slightly more (but without postage if you’re local) from Bomran Games.
Charity I Like: Gospel for Asia
A donation of any amount to any part of their work would be amazing - these guys are sharing the good news with and through some of the very poorest and most isolated people in the world.
Charity I like: Open Doors
Could donate any amount instead of a gift to me, I already have way too much. Open Doors works to help, encourage and build up persecuted Christian believers in some of the most dangerous countries.