If you buy any of these items, please come back to this list and click the "Reserve" link to mark which item(s) you purchased. This will help ensure that Docsology does not get duplicate gifts.
Children of Time Trilogy - Adrian Tchaikovsky
£25.99 new on Amazon but I’m happy with second hand copies.
My favourite cocktail is a Margarita, so tequila is always welcome! Enjoy other spirits - gin, rum, cointreau, fruit liqueurs, port & bourbon (but not whisk(e)y). Generally prefer white wine over red.
Artland Simplicity Trifle Bowl – Straight Sides Glass Large Bowl
£27.50. Available from various websites but this seems to be cheapest. £3 postage. (On Amazon for 40.99)
Brewdog Lonewolf Cactus & Lime Gin
Perhaps re-gift me a book that you think I might like. I like science, history, sci-fi and historical fiction. Books I have enjoyed recently: Klara & The Sun, The Shortest History of Germany, A Brief History of Everyone Who Ever Lived, Embassy Town
Night Out
A night out or meal, maybe with you. Some restaurants offer gift vouchers too.
I like interesting foods, especially cheeses & milk chocolate
Cosmetics/Eau de Toilette
I prefer fresh light fragrances
Gift Vouchers
Amazon/Kindle or John Lewis/Waitrose
A class/lesson/experience to learn something new (except football!), maybe to do with you or someone else.