If you buy any of these items, please come back to this list and click the "Reserve" link to mark which item(s) you purchased. This will help ensure that Griffin does not get duplicate gifts.
College Fund
Please consider donating to Finn's 529 education fund :) Mommy and Daddy have been trying to put into this monthly since opening the account, any additions will only help the funds grow by the time I'm ready for college!
Surprise Wild Critter Kinetic Sand
Available at Target ($5 at target, amazon is way overpriced)
Insulated Water Bottle
Preferences (in order) would be Doggies, Happy Sharks, or Outer Space!
Toddler Pillow
Finn LOVES his current toddler pillow, adding an additional one would be helpful as he continues to grow!
Reserved on Feb 17, 2025 by Aunt Melissa & Uncle Joey
Coloring Book
These are a great option! Something with animals or Disney would make Finn smile. He loves to color!
Annie's Cheddar Bunnies
My favorite snack! Usually found at the grocery store or Target
A Fun Experience!
A great option would be to make it possible for us to take Finn on a fun adventure! Some places we'd like to take him are The Crayola Factory, a Phillies Game, & Sesame Place. Even better if YOU come with us :)
Carter's Clothes or Gift Card
Finn's currently wearing size 3T for bottoms (as long as there is a drawstring) and 4T for tops and PJs (bigger sizes are great too!) Right now he could use come nice tops for church or outings (polos, flannels, sweatshirts, etc).
Savings Bond
A Savings Bond for Finn is always a great option for him to use when he grows up! This could go towards his education or future endeavors. If you do this, remember to use his full name "Griffin Speirs".