If you buy any of these items, please come back to this list and click the "Reserve" link to mark which item(s) you purchased. This will help ensure that fitz does not get duplicate gifts.
Showing items tagged with mass.
you can dm me for postage information. if you buy me anything at all i will make you a hand written thank you note and a sketch! you can also just send me a fiver on paypal if you want. help me have a good birthday.
If you buy any of these items, please come back to this list and click the "Reserve" link to mark which item(s) you purchased. This will help ensure that fitz does not get duplicate gifts.
Showing items tagged with mass.
20£ - this is the most important thing to get!!
3-10£ - items tagged by lowest-highest priority
30£ - i really want this
~20£ this is a collection of digimon plushes i would like. in order of most wanted: patamon, palmon, piyomon, gatomon, impmon, gomamon, koromon, demiveemon, petitmon, kudamon. id also love the crests!!