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Showing items tagged with NOT_FROM_CHINA.
If you buy any of these items, please come back to this list and click the "Reserve" link to mark which item(s) you purchased. This will help ensure that Georgia Gough does not get duplicate gifts.
Showing items tagged with NOT_FROM_CHINA.
I deal with my issues with soft things and gallows humour...
I've run out of these and would really like some more, but I can't really justify spending the money myself at the moment...
There are lots of colours I want so gift cards are always appreciated. <3
Absolutely love this jeweler. She's so lovely. Her stuff is not cheap but it's all hand made and one of a kind. Plus garnet is my favourite stone to wear and I don't really have any of it...
Literally the first time I've ever seen merch of these!!!
Okay so while I would ADORE any of these (yes, even Shimei....), Xue Meng is my favourite son and I want him on my desk!