If you buy any of these items, please come back to this list and click the "Reserve" link to mark which item(s) you purchased. This will help ensure that Neil Fortner does not get duplicate gifts.
Vitriol - To Bathe from the Throat of Cowardice
Firtan - Ethos
Sidewinder - Talons
Diabolic Oath - Oracular Hexations
$18.40 CD / $8 digital https://diabolicoath.bandcamp.com/album/oracular-hexations
Kvadrat - The Horrible Dissonance of Oblivion
11 EUR CD / "Name your price" digital
Reserved on Dec 13, 2024 by Paula
Vorga - Beyond the Palest Star
$19.99 CD (combo with Imperialist) / $4.99 digital
Mānbryne - Interregnum: O próbie wiary i jarzmie zwątpienia
6.99 EUR (digital)
Alkaloid - Numen
$20.98 or $9.99 digital on bandcamp: https://alkaloidsom.bandcamp.com/album/numen
Uada - Crepuscle Natura
$21.74 or 7 EUR on bandcamp: https://uada.bandcamp.com/album/crepuscule-natura
Sacred Outcry - Towers of Gold
Might be cheaper on Bandcamp even with shipping from EU. Or digital on bandcamp is fine
Serpent of Old - Ensemble Under the Dark Sun
$10.99 + 5.99 EUR shipping (or digital)