Limitarianism (book)
Not that I have time to read it now, but this rarely stops me from getting a book.
Jazz Piano Method Book 2
I want to learn and do more music, but I don't want to drive you crazy by turning into a stereotypical jazz guy like Bosch. I need to start with Book 1 (the other entry).
Jazz Piano Method Book 1
The first book of the series. The thing is, Bosch is more of a history buff than a musician. He idolizes some 1961 performance instead of just appreciating it and learning from it to get better at playing (and listening to) music today.
Woot or nordic band T-shirts
I'm afraid the Haggard shirts are going to wear out. Black, blue, and gray are good for doubling as office T-shirts, but I like other colors too.
Hose and cord holder
It's really hard to find a heavy-duty holder with a rounded top for hoses, heavy power cords, and welding cables. Thiis one might work, but I really want somthing about 50% bigger.
Levi's 501 jeans
Size 29Wx34L. Amazon seems to stock a lot more sizes than the Levi's website. I'd like any color that would make me look awesome, but not a super-distressed style.
Nord electro 6D, 73-key waterfall keyboard
I might not have room, but I've wanted a Nord keyboard for years. This keyboard would be great to have. They're from Sweden.
Harmony of Bill Evans, vol 2
Perhaps over my head, but this book looks interesting. Maybe I'd learn a few things.
Bill Evans music book
Whisky aroma kit, 24 aromas
I really enjoyed learning to identify smells from that wine kit we had, but it was pretty old and probably getting weak. This one looked interesting, but it doesn't need to be whisky-specific. Guardian says olfactory training might reduce dementia risk..
Dewalt heavy-duty 6-gallon compressor
I like the low weight and low noise and not from China. It looks like a nice small compressor for smaller jobs and tires. This would replace the small Chinese compressor off of which have broken a caster, rubber foot, and the intake filter.