My Wishlist

  • Limitarianism (book)

    Not that I have time to read it now, but this rarely stops me from getting a book.

  • Jazz Piano Method Book 1

    The first book of the series. The thing is, Bosch is more of a history buff than a musician. He idolizes some 1961 performance instead of just appreciating it and learning from it to get better at playing (and listening to) music today.

  • Woot or nordic band T-shirts

    I'm afraid the Haggard shirts are going to wear out. Black, blue, and gray are good for doubling as office T-shirts, but I like other colors too.

  • Levi's 501 jeans

    Size 29Wx34L. Amazon seems to stock a lot more sizes than the Levi's website. I'd like any color that would make me look awesome, but not a super-distressed style.

  • Nord electro 6D, 73-key waterfall keyboard

    I might not have room, but I've wanted a Nord keyboard for years. This keyboard would be great to have. They're from Sweden.

  • Harmony of Bill Evans, vol 2

    Perhaps over my head, but this book looks interesting. Maybe I'd learn a few things.

  • Bill Evans music book

  • Dewalt heavy-duty 6-gallon compressor

    I like the low weight and low noise and not from China. It looks like a nice small compressor for smaller jobs and tires. This would replace the small Chinese compressor off of which have broken a caster, rubber foot, and the intake filter.