If you buy any of these items, please come back to this list and click the "Reserve" link to mark which item(s) you purchased. This will help ensure that Gregory Gwilliam does not get duplicate gifts.
Oath stickers
Band merch (low key is good - at least on front)
Bands I currently am an enjoyer of that have some good merch: Bad Omens, Sleep Token, Beartooth, Polaris, Don Broco, Blink182, Gojira
Art/stickers/pins from the games I like
Games I like include: Hades, Overwatch, DnD, Critical Role, Dimension20 Fantasy High, Zelda, Fire Emblem: 3H, Hollowknight, Final Fantasy 7, Final Fantasy 16, Kingdom Hearts
Art, stickers or pins from the books I like
Books Greg likes include: Locked Tomb, Stormlight Archive, Mistborn, Legends and Lattes, Shadow/Hunger of the gods, Licanius, Red Rising
That's not a hat