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How about a colourful notebook instead!
Angelou, Maya 'The Complete Collected Poems'
Reserved on Jun 03, 2016 by Kirsty Clarke
Ballard, J G 'The Kindness of Women'
Bell, John and Maule, Graham 'Enemy of Apathy'
Bonhoeffer 'Letters and Papers from Prison'
Bonhoeffer, 'Life Together'
Borg, Marcus 'The Last Week'
Brind, Jan and Wilkinson, Tessa 'Creative Ideas for Pastoral Liturgy: Marriage Services'
(Or any of the other books in this series)
Claiborne, Shane 'Common Prayer: A Liturgy for Ordinary Radicals'
Cotter, Jim 'Unfolding the Living Word'
Coakley, Sarah 'God, Sexuality and the Self'
(or anything else by Sarah Coakley)
Caminer, Matthew et al 'Curacies and How to Survive Them'
Cornwall, Susannah 'Sexuality: The Inclusive Church Resource'
Criado-Perez, Caroline 'Do It Like A Woman'
Durber, Susan 'Preaching Like a Woman'
Reserved on Jun 22, 2016 by Nicola Slee
Durber, Susan 'Poverty: The Inclusive Church Resource'
Fisk, Anna 'Sex, Sin and Our Selves'
Galloway, Kathy 'Dreaming of Eden'
Gaventa, Beverly 'Our Mother Saint Paul'
Gooder, Paula 'The Meaning is in the Waiting'
Goode, Paula 'Journey to the Empty Tomb'
Guidelines for the Professional Conduct of the Clergy 2015
Heppenstall, Annie 'The Book of Uncommon Prayer'
Reserved on Jun 24, 2017 by Jelly
Heppenstall-West, Annie 'Reclaiming the Sealskin'
Herzog, 'Parables as Subversive Speech'
Heyward, Carter 'Saving Jesus From Those Who Are Right'
Hull, John 'Towards a Prophetic Church'
Ison, David 'The Vicar's Guide'
Jepson, Joanna 'A Lot Like Eve'
Reserved on Sep 02, 2017 by j
Jones, Judith Kaye 'The Women in the Gospel of John: The Divine Feminine'
Keenan, Brian 'An Evil Cradling'
Kershaw, Simon 'Exciting Holiness'
Reserved on Jun 15, 2016 by Merky & Rachel Jones from Work
Happy Ordination, you almost deacon, you. Hurrah!
Kroeger 'The IVP Women's Bible Commentary'
Lake, Stephen 'Let the Children Come to Communion'
Lain-Priestly, Rosemary 'Gender: The Inclusive Church Resource'
Levine, Amy-Jill 'A Feminist Companion to Luke'
Lloyd Roberts, Sue 'War on Women'
Monk Kidd, Sue 'The Secret Life of Bees'
McFarlane, Jan 'Pocket Prayers of Blessing'
McRae-McMahon, Dorothy 'Liturgies for the Journey of Life'
McKenzie, Janet 'Holiness and Feminine Spirit'
Reserved on Jul 28, 2017 by Mark Morgans
Moran, Caitlin 'How to be a Woman'
Myers, Ched 'Binding The Strong Man'
The New Zealand Prayer Book
Northumbria Community 'Celtic Daily Prayer'
Nouwen, Henry 'Reaching Out'
Reserved on Jun 03, 2016 by Kirsty Clarke
Pohly, Kenneth 'Transforming the Rough Places'
Peterson, E 'Under the Unpredictable Plant'
Paddison, Jenny 'Starting Rite: Spiritual Nurture for Babies'
Reserved on Aug 05, 2017 by Michelle
Richardson, Jan 'Circle of Grace'
Ross-McNairn, Jonathan and Barron, Sonia 'Being a Curate: Stories of what it's really like'
Schlossberg, Nancy and Goodman, Jane 'Counselling Adults in Transition'
Singing the Faith
Reserved on Jun 14, 2016 by Linda Gilson
Slee, Nicola and Burns, Stephen 'Presiding Like a Woman'
Reserved on Jun 09, 2016 by Michelle Parton
Soskice, Janet Martin 'The Kindness of God: Metaphor, Gender and Religious Language'
Strayed, Cheryl 'Wild: A Journey from Lost to Found'
Reserved on Jun 24, 2017 by Jelly
Threlfall-Holmes, Miranda and Noah, 'The Teenage Prayer Experiment Notebook'
Reserved on Aug 05, 2017 by Michelle
Tillich, 'The Shaking of the Foundations'
Walker, Alice 'The Colour Purple'
Reserved on Jun 22, 2016 by Nicola Slee
Ward, Tess 'Alternative Pastoral Prayers: Liturgies and Blessings for Health and Healing'
Ward and Wild 'Resources for Preaching and Worship Year C'
Ward, Hannah, and Wild, Jennifer 'Human Rites: Worship Resources for an Age of Change'
Ward, Hannah, Wild, Jennifer, and Morley, Janet 'Celebrating Women'
Reserved on Jun 22, 2016 by Nicola Slee
Ward, Frances and Coakley, Sarah eds. 'Fear and Friendship: Anglicans Engaging with Islam'
Wells, Sam 'Nazareth Manifesto'
Wilson, Jacqueline 'The Illustrated Mum'
Witcombe, John 'The Curate's Guide'