If you buy any of these items, please come back to this list and click the "Reserve" link to mark which item(s) you purchased. This will help ensure that Joanne does not get duplicate gifts.
Showing items tagged with Jo.
Salad For Days: Breezy Ways with Veg, All Year Round by Alice Zaslavsky - Book
Compost Monitor
Coles Myer Gift Card
Terracotta plant watering Stakes
Feast: Modern Menus for Inspirational Cooking
eBay Gift Card
Gift voucher for Snag Tights
9,000 Water Purification Tablets
Treasures of the Mexican Table - Pati Jinich
Wattleseed - The Australian Superfood Co
Eat your books - One year membership
Oxfam unwrapped gift
Shampoo Bars, Conditioner bars and other nice smelling things
A potted Christmas tree to grow and use in future years
Money towards a Cake decorating course
Indoor plant in a nice pot
Large School Years Frame Landscape (with Pre-School) - Black