If you buy any of these items, please come back to this list and click the "Reserve" link to mark which item(s) you purchased. This will help ensure that Joanne does not get duplicate gifts.
Showing items tagged with present.
Salad For Days: Breezy Ways with Veg, All Year Round by Alice Zaslavsky - Book
Frank Green Ceramic Reusable Bottle
These are quite pricey ($77 including the shipping) and Alice is quite specific about what she wants in terms of colour and customising, so talk to me before buying.
Pokemon Meowscarda EX tin
If you buy this from the Gamesmen (Penshurst) I can collect it.
Pokemon Miraidon EX League Battle Deck
If you are buying this from the Gamesmen I can pick it up
Pokemon: Scarlet & Violet Temporal Forces Booster Bundle
If you are buying from the Gamesmen I can pick it up from the Penshurst store.
A potted Christmas tree to grow and use in future years
Money towards a Cake decorating course
Indoor plant in a nice pot