If you buy any of these items, please come back to this list and click the "Reserve" link to mark which item(s) you purchased. This will help ensure that Kevin Ouellette does not get duplicate gifts.
450lbs Capacity Shopping Cart
Undershirts, Stanfield's Men's Supreme Crew Neck T-Shirt
50% cotton/50% polyester, Size L, Made in Canada
Eye loupe, 10x magnification
Weiser Troy Passage Door Knob (Venetian Bronze) for Rio's room
Weiser Troy Passage Door Knob (Venetian Bronze) for office
Weiser Troy Dummy Door Knob (Venetian Bronze) for closet
The Rona website picture is showing the wrong colour
Zip Up Hoodie or Sweatshirt
Size small
Brown Sweater
Warm, size small, long arms and body appriciated
CAA membership
For Joy and me
Home Depot gift card