If you buy any of these items, please come back to this list and click the "Reserve" link to mark which item(s) you purchased. This will help ensure that Nancy does not get duplicate gifts.
Lampka na monitor
żadna konkretna, byleby świeciła
DISTURBIA | Dagger Cat Eye Sunglasses
Rojeco | Dozownik do szamponu
Lafe | Masażer do stóp MFS-002
KRUKCALLIGRAPHY | Black scarf with white ornament
Nemesis Now | Cult Cuties - Baphoboo
Nemesis Now | Cult Cuties - Culticorn
Teministeriet | Moomin - herbata sypana w puszce
każdy smak poza green tea raspberry :)
Teekanne | herbata
najlepiej taki smak, którego nie ma normalnie w sieciówkach :)
Butterfly Pea Tea | Niebieska herbata Klitoria Ternateńska
Lot balonem
Skok ze spadochronem