If you buy any of these items, please come back to this list and click the "Reserve" link to mark which item(s) you purchased. This will help ensure that Lilia Tamm does not get duplicate gifts.
Anything homemade
Still my #1 request! Fresh-baked bread, a painting, framed photography, homemade jam, a poem or collage, crochet work/knitting, picture frames with spray-painted macaroni — whatever is inspiring you. Or use this as an excuse to get inspired!
Taiko Classes
Ok. I am really serious about this. I am dying to take this class. One class is just $18. Could even be a stocking stuffer. If you get it for me it will force me to do it, and my soul needs it.
Dyson Digital Slim cordless vacuum
I have drooled over these since I first tried one at Margaret's and then at Rosemary's. This version is their lightest one so Aza can use it too, and it's also less expensive.
Reserved on Dec 02, 2024 by Rosemary
Wireless handheld dustbuster for car
I have a 5-year-old and shuttle several other 5-year-olds around each week. Enough said.
Reserved on Dec 02, 2024 by Rosemary
The carpeting in my mom's old bedroom (now mine) is deeply stained and musty and needs to be torn up. The 8'x8' version of this rug is the replacement I've been dreaming of for 2+ years. Any contributions towards this would be wonderful.
Food court book nook
Josh got me all hyped about these and I'm dying to try one... or seven.
Reserved on Dec 08, 2024 by Rosemary
Books Cafe dreamy Mini Alley
For whatever reason, this one feels the most magical of all of them to me.
Photography book — Radiohead behind the scenes
Japanese Floristry Class
A little-known passion of mine is flower arranging. I would love to put some real knowledge behind my hobby.