A Tire Swing
I know it sounds pretty dull, but I've always wanted one to hang on a tree and swing on. I would prefer a tire swing that hangs from three ropes than the traditional held by only one.
Leather Antique World Map Collection
I really need a nice address book....i've been keeping numbers in a document online and it's just kinda lame.
Way Creative Purse
It's incredibly unique and pretty much a really cool fashion statement. check it out.
Private Volleyball lessons
Go to google and find the website for "Powerzone" and simply sign me up for private lessons for my age group, skill, specialization, ect. Ask mom.
Supernatural and Avatar
I have the first two disks of season one of Avatar. and that's it! so depressing. I don't have any superantural or the rest of Avatar.
Family Tree
I would love to have a family tree to hang in my room. i don't really know any part of my heritage, and i feel that the past is one of the most interesting things about a person.
Books on writing
Books on writing technics would be amazing. i really want to improve as a writer, as i feel writing will play a major role in my future.
Grim Brothers, Illusionist, and any movie with Reese Witherspoon!
I love all these movies but sadly i always seem to forget them until i see them again. Reese Witherspoon: movies from sweet home alabama to walk the line.
Digital Frame
IT's really cool and i have a digital camera, so it would be really awsome if i could have a slide show of all my friends and family. *smiles*
A locket
Perhaps one passed down. I've always wanted something like this, but I guess my interest was never noticed.
Anthropologie clothes and jewelry
I would love a gift certificate! if you are with me on my birthday or christmas or whatever the holiday, perhaps come with me on my shopping spree. I haven't been on a shopping spree since sixth grade. i'm in highschool. Look around the website!!
World map
for art. i'm re-doing the basement for my convience and am very excited to put my hidden art collection on the walls. you can decide which one to give me. each link is a different map. i recommend not getting it framed at the website and buy your own.
World map 1.
There is no reason to frame any poster, printing, or piece of art you might feel compelled to buy me.
World map 2.
Same goes for this one as well. please do not buy both or make sure that no one you know buys one and you buy one. i love the world, but i really only need one. thanks!
Some locket ideas...i'm not sure if some of them are lockets...so only the lockets...
1. http://www.heartsmith.com/melinda_wg.html 2. http://www.heartsmith.com/melissa.html 3. http://www.heartsmith.com/gwen.html 4. http://www.heartsmith.com/elizabeth_ss.html 5. http://www.heartsmith.com/juliet_wg.html
even more lockets and pendants
1. http://www.personalizationmall.com/product.aspx?productid=6156&storeid=19&categoryid=1316&itemid=21446&did=75771 2. http://www.jewelrytelevision.com/ for the second, look through the pendants....some beautiful peices. i hate square.
Awesome necklaces
1. http://www.jewelrytelevision.com/index.aspx?tid=14582&Nrppo=0&N=51%20101%20231&Ns=p_priority&No=168&cm_re=Results*5*1&cm_pos=185&bca=NVH029G&ptid=7362&R=2572822&cm_sp= 2. http://www.crystalrealm.com/st_prod.html?p_prodid=672&p_catid=35
Dance Dance revolution!
my future well being depends on it. p.s we do have the older version of playstation 2
Kindom Hearts
awesome game...extremely addicting but not as long as final fantasy. we do have a playstation 2....the older version
playstation 2....older version....they don't sell video games for the original x-box anymore.
hats and scarves
not a mass amount...just one nice set. i love hats. not just winter ones. but like the trucker and other stylish ones. if interested, try on first to make sure it looks good on your head, or it won't look good on mine.
a lot of the stuff is wedding oriented, so avoid that and go straight to clearance or the regular jewelry. Some of the most beautiful pieces. i love them.
Instant irish accent spray
come on...you know it's awesome and crazy hilarious. great stocking stuffer....only mom knows how hard i try to sound irish.
Ipod amp
nice quality, and not large. no need for expensive though. just good enough to clearly hear and to be loud.
Harry Potter and the Order of Phoenix
The movie, not the book! so amazing...although some in our family don't quite agree...*hmm hmm*