Classroom Wishlist

  • Big Step-byStep Communicators

    These voice output switches allow my students to participate in many classroom activities such as reading a short story, or doing classroom jobs such as announcing the calendar and weather information at Morning Meeting.

  • Classroom Clocks - could use 4

    4 clocks?!?! Yup, Timing is everything in our room, from keeping to the schedule to monitoring seizure activity our current single clock just doesn't cut it.

  • Signing Time Series

    As a Total Communication Classroom we LOVE this series and use it all the time. Unfortunately we have to borrow them from the library which means short loans and often fines for me.

  • Washclothes

    New or Used, We are always in need!

  • Sheets

    New or used full size flat sheets or twin (extra-long if you have 'em!) fitted sheets and pillow cases. We wear ours out all the time. Other sizes accepted if you have them, our Adult program could take them.

  • Shapes to Cut Books

    These are a great way to incorporate cutting skills into our larger themes. I used to have some but someone "borrowed" them. They were hard to find again, the more popular "Cut & Make" versions are too complicated for our students.