If you buy any of these items, please come back to this list and click the "Reserve" link to mark which item(s) you purchased. This will help ensure that Prince of Peace Catholic Church and School does not get duplicate gifts.
Apoligetices Concordance - Catholic Bible Reference At a Glance
For our Upper Grade Religious Ed students. Need 200 of them.
Commissioning of a New Musical Setting of the Mass (Prince of Peace Mass)
How amazing would it be to have a Mass setting composed by an American composer especially for Prince of Peace in Taylors, SC? Funding particulars are currently being explored.
Steinway Model B Music Room Grand Piano
Approximately $90,000 + price of travel to NYC for selection of insturment. This instrument would be placed in Croghan Hall for use in rehearsals, recitals, concerts, musical theatre productions, etc.
Shrine to the Prince of Peace
Can you imagine if we had a permanent shrine to the Prince of Peace in the church?
Exposition Throne for the Blessed Sacrament
Prince of Peace Cope!
No 4816, provide the parish with its own white and gold cope
Marian Banner $3,865
provide the Guild of Our Lady and St Gianna with a beautiful banner for processions
Eucharistic Banner
provide the Guild of St Thomas Aquinas with their own banner for Corpus Christi Processions!
Gold Set of Cruets for Solemnities
Requiem Altar Cards for Latin Mass
Solemn Set of Green Vestments
provide the parish with a set of green vestments so we can have post-Epiphany and post-Pentecost sets
Solemn Set of Purple Vestments
provide the parish with a set of purple vestments so we can have an Advent set as well as a Lenten set
Solemn Set of White Vestments
provide the parish with chasuble, dalmatics, stoles, chalice veil, nurse and cope for a festal set for Christmas and Easter seasons. A set which will stay with POP forever!