Everything on this list has been hand picked by myself and all the items that have links (most of them do) should take you straight to the item. Some have specific colours and/or sizes so I have included these in the description.
Anything off list will also be welcomed but I thought this list would help as I always say I don't know what I want and people always struggle to buy for me! As a guide for other purchases, I love anything Black, Grey, Rose Gold, White or Red. Sometimes even Pink! I like owls, leopard print (brown and grey leopard), flowers, floral print, vintage looking items, soft things, red wine and chocolate. Milk chocolate. :)
One last thing - Please remember to reserve items as soon as they have been purchased, if not before!
Thanks for reading =)
Wishlist Stats
7 Items
3 Links
36 Clicks
Last item added August 30, 2016.