I'm your typical Aquarius, despite not giving astrology much credit. I love fighting for causes, dreaming, contemplating both the past and the future, and I loathe the ordinary. I can be unconventional, thoughtful, helpful, creative, and I secretly delight in shocking more conventional people. I seek harmony in life, and I crave light and freedom. I'm creative when I can afford to be, but I wish I could paint every day of my life.
I think the world is a beautiful, remarkable and enchanting place, and it leaves me breathless. I just really dislike people. Especially kids - I'm as childfree as they come. I prefer animals over humans, though I value my friends (of any species) above all else.
I'm a Swedish Viking raiding the UK, I follow a bunch of strange old deities, and I have a weakness for plushies, gadgets, books, languages and red hair. I'm a geek, and proud to be one.
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Last item added June 4, 2012.