
Whether you’re just entering the work force or looking for a career change, the old advice, “do what you love” undoubtedly resonates in the back of your brain. While that buzz may be constant, putting the “do what you love mantra” into practice and actually finding a work you can happily sustain for twenty, thirty, or forty plus years can prove a bit more tricky.

Follow these guidelines to increase your chances of embarking on a career you’ll actually enjoy.

Reflect on Your Strengths and Interests. If you don’t have a crystal clear idea of what career path you’d like to pursue, take some time to reflect on both the things you’re good at and the things you enjoy. What are your special skills? What are your hobbies? What are your interests? Once you’ve answered those questions for yourself, start brainstorming jobs that involve those elements. Things that make you happy are always a good starting point.

Identify Your Ideal Work Environment. It’s not just what you do that affects your feelings about a job, but how you’re expected to do it. What do you seek in a work environment and how important is each aspect — Schedule? Commute? Office space? Corporate structure? Think through every aspect of the day to day as you outline your ideal work environment. Speak to others about their work experiences and make note of which kinds of policies appeal to you. Once you’ve created your list, prioritize the elements that are most essential.

Identify Your Values. What’s important to you — environmentally sound practices? Social equality? Supporting local community? You don’t want to go to work for a new company just to find out you hate everything they stand for. Our values make us who we are and motivate just about everything we do — do your research to ensure you wind up in work place that supports the same ideals and values you do.

See What’s Out There. Once you’ve taken the time to identify the factors of a workplace, career, and work environment that are important to you, it’s time to take a look and see what positions are actually available. Keep the search simple by using a site that aggregates job listings and information for you. As you look through listings, make note of any positions and job titles that satisfy a large cross section of the elements you’re looking for.

Be Persistent and Patient. It can be tempting to accept the first offer or opportunity that comes your way, but committing to a job you’re not feeling passionate or excited about from the outset is to set yourself up for misery later on down the line. Save yourself from having to start a new job search all over again six months (or six years) later by staying true to yourself and all the values and priorities you’ve identified above.

With a little introspection, hard work, and patience, finding a job you love might not be as difficult as it seems.

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Last item added July 1, 2019.