
Writing a professional research or thesis report is a challenging task as there are standard formats and presentation requirements which are prerequisites in presenting such academic work. A well-written methodology chapter adds value to the research report and therefore research methodology format is an area in which we need to educate ourselves. Let us now educate ourselves on the appropriate format to be used in presenting this knowledge on study methodology.

The methodology chapter of a research report usually follows the literature review chapter. The format has some similarities with general essay format but has differences such as the need to include numbered sub headings and not having a conclusion section. The chapter should have a brief introduction paragraph which outlines what the chapter will contain, in terms of various subsections. These subsections may include reserch design, research setting, sampling strategy, instrumentation, reliability and validity, data collection and analysis

Research design will mention background of scientific inquiry and research studies and discuss various research options. This section will justify the use of a particular type of research such as qualitative research vs. quantitative research as well as the appropriate research tools such as surveys, interviews or focus groups based on the particular research question.

Nest section in the methodology writing is to describe the research setting. Here the context and background of the research study should be described. This can be followed by the sampling strategy section which will outline the techniques applied in selecting the sample respondents from a population under study.

Based on the research design and the research techniques being used, the instruments being used in research study will vary. If surveys are being done, questionnaires have to be designed and pilot tested for validity and reliability. Same sort of instrument preparations are expected in interviews and experiments.

The next subsection of the methodology chapter is the data collection element which will need to outline data collection techniques applied as well as how the collection was carried out. Finally the last element of the methodology format includes the data analysis section which outlines what analysis methods were used and whether statistical or descriptive analysis was applied.

If you are a good essay writer, the task of writing a good methodology chapter will be easy. You can apply the same basic essay tips such as researching, planning, writing, editing and finishing in to your methodology writing as well. As the research or thesis report is usually the final submission you will be making in order to fulfill the requirements of a study program, the importance of submitting professionally written work is undoubted. If you are not confident of your work meeting the required pass standards, do not jeopardize your potential for completing an academic course which you have invested your money and time in to.

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