
Founded in 2008, VNEXT is a global leading corporation in Software Development/IT Services Outsourcing. We deliver world-class services in system/application development, blockchain, AI and outsourcing development by over 300+ exclusive top-notch IT consultants and competent developers.
With 14+ years of construction and development, VNEXT GLOBAL always pursues the motto ""We care. We commit. We are your true partner.
Website: https://vnextglobal.com/
GG map: https://www.google.com/maps/contrib/118109885395241040600
Email: marketing@vnextglobal.com
Add: 20F, C Tower, Central Point, 219 Trung Kinh Str., Cau Giay Dist., Hanoi, Vietnam
Hotline: 0243 765 9555
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