If you buy any of these items, please come back to this list and click the "Reserve" link to mark which item(s) you purchased. This will help ensure that R Tyson does not get duplicate gifts.
Condenser Dryer (Whiteknight) [Littlewoods] *BOUGHT*
£309.00 usual (pay wkly / 1yr @%)
SAMSUNG RL58GPEIH Fridge Freezer [Curry's] *BOUGHT*
£548.99 (with £50 cashback until 27th Aug.)
Halogen Oven 12L Black [eBay] *BOUGHT*
£26.99 (bargain bonanza)
TV (Panasonic Viera 50") - BOUGHT! [Asda]
£265 (to Kyle)
Cordoba lookalike [The Bed Shop, Scpe] *BOUGHT*
£460 (incl. mattress)