My wishlist for my Birthday and for Christmas.

  • Gracie's Choice *

    On DVD please

  • Loves Enduring Promise*

    On DVD

  • Loves Long Journey*

    On DVD

  • Loves Abiding Joy*

    On DVD

  • Loves Unending Legacy*

    On DVD

  • Loves Unfolding Dream*

    On DVD

  • The Amazing Race *

    Any season

  • Charmed *

    Seasons 3 - 8

  • Any CD by Owl City

    I believe that they have 6 Cds out right now. The CDs I believe are called: "Of June" "Maybe I'm Dreaming" " Hot Air Ballon" "Strawberry Avalanche" "Ocean Eyes" and "Fireflies". My favorite song by them right now is Fireflies.

  • *All DVD's fullscreen please (if you can)