If you buy any of these items, please come back to this list and click the "Reserve" link to mark which item(s) you purchased. This will help ensure that Scott West does not get duplicate gifts.
Menard's Gift Cards
Need Supplies to Build My Potting Bench - Menard's has the best prices on cedar lumber!
Online Bonsai Course
Gift Certificate - Garrett Wade
Gift Certificate in Any Amount - Super Cool Gardening Stuff!
Gift Certificates - Bonsai-En
Would love gift certificates to this busniness! They have the tools I'd like to start buying, which are practically impossible to find in the U.S.
Gift Card - BlackRoot Bonsai Farms
Gift Card in any amount to this new place I found in Liberty!
KC Bier Co Gift Cards
Always timely, always appropriate!!
Reserved on Nov 26, 2018 by G
Gift Cards
Any favorite place of yours that we can go to together!!