My Wishlist

  • The Top Features in Windows 10 that will Help College Students

    When Windows 10 came out it took the industry by storm, by providing a powerful operating system with numerous advanced capabilities.

  • The Start Menu

    The start menu was abandoned in Windows 8 and this perturbed many users. With this in mind, Microsoft has brought back the start menu in Windows 10. Not only did Microsoft bring the start menu back, but they made it even more efficient.

  • Cortana

    While the start menu in Windows 10 is certainly a great tool, with the addition of Cortana it has been taken to another level. It is now possible for users to get immediate answers to their queries through Cortana’s voice activation feature.

  • Multiple Desktop Functionality

    As technologies have advanced it has become necessary to be able to run multiple desktops at once and this is a feature now available on Windows 10. The ability to add more desktops means that college students can have a term paper loaded up on one screen

  • Notifications Tray

    One thing that all computer users need to be aware of are impending updates. Without the proper updates, the system may encounter compatibility issues. To prevent such occurrences, Microsoft has implemented the notifications tray.

  • Windows 10

    The notifications tray will display all upcoming updates, as well as the wireless networks that are available and the amount of life left in the battery. If you feel that Windows 10 will help you in college, visit site our site today!