stuff from my steam wishlist
+ switch otome i want: virche evermore
literally anything from Satoshi Kon
missing: new tokyo godfathers blu-ray, dream fossil, tropic of the sea (english translation)
GeometricGem Jewlery
my favorite jewelry girl - this is where i get a lot of those cool earrings from :) only note i'll make though is that i prefer the earrings/rings/simple necklaces and not the big statement necklaces/ones with big stones
Anatomy of Melancholy: Best of A Softer World
super expensive now, but always hoping it'll go down again :(
Yuuka Universe Flower Choker
Lindsay Lewis Fete Necklace - Tan
Lindsay Lewis Walton Ring
Death Valley Nailpolish - Wildflowers
The Wire: The Complete Visual History
Death Valley Nailpolish - Cornflowers
RG Wing Gundam Zero (EW)
Agnes Obel Vinyl (Citizen of Glass)
Mitski Vinyl (Laurel Hell) Limited Edition Red
Liza Anne Vinyl (Fine But Dying)
Idiot Verse (Keaton Henson
Snotgirl Vol. 2
Dream Fossil: The Complete Stories of Satoshi Kon
Tropic of the Sea (Satoshi Kon)
Star Wars Old Republic Compilation Vol. 2
Cow mug..........
Boon-Joon Ho: Dissident Cinema (signed)
The Legend of Final Fantasy VI
Watchmen (2019 Edition)
Yuri Lowell Nendoroid
Paissa Plush
Goodnight Punpun Vol. 1
Keaton Henson Vinyl (Birthdays)
"Good" Print
Paranoia Agent Hat
Dragon's Dogma: Official Design Works
super expensive now so this is impractical :' (