Any kind of yarn, though I prefer Red Heart or Caron yarns. I use white and black most frequently.
Anything dragon related
Could be figures, tshirts, posters, anything.
Air dry clay
I use this clay less frequently as it is heavier, but can make more detailed pieces.
Armature wire
for sculptures and paper mache! can be thicker or thinner than this, preferably thicker..
Instamorph, polly plastics, thermomorph...
Heat mold plastic is my new favorite, and infinitely useful!
Craft eyes
you can find these on amazon and etsy. I'll use them when I learn amigurumi and start making little dragons. 'cat eyes' only, any color or size.
Small knitting machine
EXPENSIVE but something ive been wanting to make socks quickly
Knitting machine
EXPENSIVE but something ive been wanting for making hats quickly
Mist Maker
For a project I'm working on. can be a normal mister or one with lights on it.