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Showing items tagged with Instruments.
Black Beauty Coated Long Life Bass Strings, Heavy Gauge
Hosa Low-Profile Guitar Pedal Cables 6-Pack
Daddario Bass Strap
I’m faaaaairly certain this is the same strap I had previously, but it broke. Considering it lasted a decade, that’s nothing to sneeze at?
Baritone Guitar Setup/Maintenance
This is something I’d have to ask around about, but Avery long ago gifted me a GORGEOUS baritone guitar that needs some work beyond my capabilities to fix some string and fret buzzing issues. I think the nut is too large and too low for the strings
Roland SPD-SX Percussion Pad - Priority over 404A
I lack the dexterity to play a proper drum kit, but Avery has former drum experience and I have a little with stand-up kits. I also have a MASSIVE sample library languishing on my hard drive I’d love to be able to trigger live instead of having backing.
Roland SP-404A Sampler
Digitech Polara Reverb Pedal - High Priority
I have a lot of reverb pedals, too many in fact. This one contains shimmer, modulation, and reverse settings that would allow me to downsize massively. As with all pedals on this list, used is perfectly fine and almost preferred.
Boss OC-3 Octave Pedal
Boss RC-30 Loop Pedal - HIGH PRIORITY; Sub for RC20 if Unavailable
Boss RC-20XL Loop Pedal - HIGH PRIORITY
Bass Gizmotron 2.0
Accomplishes much of what an eBow would, but easier to use and more reliable. Also works on multiple strings and allows for see less movement between picking, hammering, and bowed playing.