If you buy any of these items, please come back to this list and click the "Reserve" link to mark which item(s) you purchased. This will help ensure that Tiffany does not get duplicate gifts.
Joico Copper Conditioner
Joico Copper Shampoo
Acure Argan Oil
Acure Toner
Retinol Body Lotion
Paula's Choice Retinol Serum
Paula's Choice 5% Benzoyl Peroxide
Purity Cleanser
Juice Beauty Cleanser
Chanel Coco Mademoiselle
Ulta Blending Sponge
Sephora Purifying Brush Shampoo
Heated Eyelash Curler
Indian Healing Clay
Texas Tea Volume Spray
No drought dry shampoo
Dirty Toothy Tabs
Santa's Lip Scrub
New shampoo bar
Rosy Cheeks Face Mask
Silky Underwear dusting powder
Belkin IPhone 6 Slim Arm Band
The China Study
Texas Cowboy Cookbook
Oh She Glows Cookbook
Cayenne Pepper Capsules
Maple iPhone Dock
Wake up light
Nuun Tabs
Chocolate Covered Dried Cherries
I think Walmart has them
Chocolate covered espresso beans
from HEB
Honeycomb Earrings
Anchor Ring
Starfish Earrings
Shell Earrings
Sand Dollar Earrings
Pokemon Omega Ruby
Pokemon Y
Pokemon X
Zelda: Majora's Mask
Luigi's Mansion
Mario & Luigi
Super Mario Bros 2
Super Smash Bros