If you buy any of these items, please come back to this list and click the "Reserve" link to mark which item(s) you purchased. This will help ensure that William Mandile does not get duplicate gifts.
Nintendo Switch Sports
I would like this game for my Switch. I want the physical copy of the game that comes with the leg strap.
Minecraft for Nintendo Switch
My friend Holly has been helping me learn to play Minecraft, and I would like to own the game for my own console as well. I won’t be able to play online from my house, but I can still do single-player.
The Halloween Tree - Ray Bradbury
I would like this in paperback. I’m also interested in any other Bradbury books in paperback. I already own Fahrenheit, Something Wicked, Dandelion Wine, The Illustrated Man, and The Martian Chronicles.
Tea Tree Oil Face Wipes
I want these ones or something similar. They used to sell good ones at Trader Joe’s, but I couldn’t find it on the website. I want at least 3 containers of these, but would still appreciate even one or two.
Reserved on Dec 06, 2024 by MOM