If you buy any of these items, please come back to this list and click the "Reserve" link to mark which item(s) you purchased. This will help ensure that Xafier does not get duplicate gifts.
iPad Casing by MOFT
Protecc my ipad incase i bonk it on the floor. My iPad pro is 12.9 5th gen
Privacy Screen Protector for my iPad
This one need to go with me to the shop and do bcs i can't put on screen protector myself without creating bubbles
Waterproof earbuds by Jaybird Vista
i have destroyed too many earbuds with my sweat :(
Fund for surguries
I have not planned the finances exactly but i just know its a lot of money. 1) Top Sugery Revision (SG), 2) Bottom surgeries (San Fran)
Letters / Messages for surguries
It was very lonely experience when i did top surgery so i would like to amass letters to read when i finish whatever surgery. Please write positive things.