My Wishlist

  • A queen-sized mattress

    Why is a basic need so expensive? Please take pity on my back.

  • A beautifully designed t-shirt that says "Future Compost"

    As we should be.

  • Someone to drive Lucy to the vet and back

    The bane and joy of my life needs regular check-ups as well as vaccinations. She will allow you to be her chauffeur.

  • MILSBO 73x175cm glass cabinet

    Perfect for my dream indoor greenhouse. I will also take cash.

  • War and Peas print: "Cat’s Guide to a Successful Day"

    Do I really need to spell out why I want this.

  • RM2,000 IKEA Gift Card

    The next best thing to getting money for my birthday.

  • Alocasia baginda 'Dragon Scale'

    I fucking love dragons.

  • Alocasia watsoniana syn. Alocasia longiloba 'Watsoniana'

    Look at those fleshy, creepy alien-like leaves. How can I not want one?

  • Paphiopedilum concolor

    I lost a plant I was given for free. I don't like to talk about it.

  • Paphiopedilum rothschildianum

    You know how there's dolphin-safe tuna? I would like a poacher-free specimen of this orchid.

  • Monstera deliciosa 'Albo'

    My father would be too embarrassed to bail me out for stealing a cutting of this.

  • Philodendron burle marx variegated

    Save me from being bored waiting for the price to go down.